Monday 22 December 2014


Read Wisely...                                        (submit suggestions please)
  1. Until you enlist love as part of your hobby, you might never be able to dish it out without asking to be paid in return.
  2. Life is not as hard as you think because, anything is possible; life is not as easy as you think because, the possibility depends on you.
  3. "With God all things are possible" is not just a statement; it is an instruction that read thus "depend on GOD for everything to become possible".
  4. Most of the people you have accused as "enemies of progress" deserves your sincere apology because if it were not for their enemic attititude, you would have still remained where you used to be.
  5. If the attitude of your enemies is what is making you go down, kindly run a proper check, you may be having a hand in their activities.
  6. One of the ways you can make an enemy surrender is by turning your back to his actions while turning your face to him.

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